Designing for Your Soul
Why is design so important in our lives? We often get so busy that we don’t notice our surroundings until they no longer serve our needs and feed our soul.
As interior designers one of our greatest joys is helping you discover your style and having you tell us how much you love your new space because it makes you feel _______ (insert how you want your room to make you feel).
Which room would you rather spent time in? Sometimes all it takes are small, relatively inexpensive changes, such as, in this case, we hung artwork, switched out some pillows, replaced the too small rug and most importantly re-finished the amazing table (one of our client's furniture pieces from their childhood home) which previously stood out like a sore thumb and now takes centerstage!
Interior design can be an afterthought for the chronically busy and priority-driven way we live today. But, when you really think about how important it is to your well-being, it becomes more of a priority.
When you come home from work or from a busy day with the kids, stop for a moment and really think about how you feel when you walk in the door. Do you feel an instant sense of calm and relaxation? Do you feel happy and energized?
Before (Getting ready to box up)
Take an hour or so and walk around your home and really reflect on and sense the spaces around you. Do you have a place to retreat and rejuvenate to after an especially trying day? Does you home welcome you, family and friends? Does your home function well when you entertain? Do you feel like an accomplished host or hostess or do you feel slightly uneasy that some things just don’t seem to work well when you have more than your family around. How does that make you feel?
Foyer before
Foyer after
Does your home reflect your personality and make you feel or is it a blend of ideas and parts and pieces that just don’t seem to work together.